New Historian

Rare Coin from Emperor Nero Found in England

Roman Coin Illustration

<![CDATA[Rare coins that date all the way back to the glorious days of the Roman Empire have been found in England. According to archaeologists, the coins that were recently unearthed are extremely valuable because they belong to the era of Emperor Nero, the king who ruled between AD 64 and 65. The archaeological site, known as Vindolanda, is located in Northern England. It was once known to be a major Roman fort near Hadrian’s Wall. According to Justin Blake, the deputy director of excavations, unearthing a gold coin is a magical moment for the entire excavation team and all those involved, particularly due to the fact that gold coins were quite scarce and no one expects to unearth them anymore. According to historical data, Emperor Nero was considered to be one of the most controversial rulers in the Roman era. His rise to power was at the tender age of 16 under the guidance of his mother, but reports suggest that he murdered his mother and at least one wife. Emperor Nero is also known to be the culprit behind the great fire of Rome, a fire for which the Christians were blamed. This fire was seen as an excuse for executing Christians at the time. He was also accredited with horrific acts such as setting wild dogs upon religious minorities, nailing them to crosses and burning them for sources of light during the evenings. Another story has it that Nero almost became crazy with his search for the lost treasure of Queen Dido of Carthage. He also looted treasures from Roman and Greek temples in order to finance the construction of a grand palace in Rome. Despite all his flaws, the Emperor was credited with issuing more more gold coins than any other Roman emperor before him, and his coins were known to be considerably slimmer. The emperor was eventually ousted in the year AD 68, but he killed himself before his execution Reports state that the unearthed coin which is known as an Aureus is quite heavy. In fact, it would be equal to approximately half of the average yearly salary offered to soldiers at the time. Marcel Albert, a volunteer from France, was the one who unearthed the centuries old coin from layers of sediments that date back to the 4th century. What makes this revelation even more surprising is that the archaeological site where the excavations are taking place has been subjected to thousands of searches and it has also offered countless coins over the years, but amazingly this is the very first gold coin to be excavated here. Albert, the one who actually discovered the coin, humbly stated that he was completely shocked and surprised to see something shining out of the soil as if it was dropped moments ago. In fact, the coin is also considered to be much older than the archaeological layer where it was found. This led researchers and historians to believe that the coins were in circulation for almost 300 years before they were lost to time. ]]>

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